Film, documentaries, commercials I have worked on...
Camps, the secrets of Chinese power. By Tania Rakhmanova - ARTE - Yami2
When science leads the investigation. By Martin Blanchard - FRANCE 5 - Elephant Prod
Searching for the lost collection of Ambroise Vollard. By Tania Rakhmanova. ARTE - Slow Production
Murder in Amiens. By Vincent Trisollini - FRANCE 3 - QUAD Drama
The sect. By Bruno Joucla - SALTO - Whats'up films
History of a Nation. By Stéphane Corréa - France 2 - Point du jour - Les films du balibari
Cataclysm, the great regulators. By Christine Tournadre France 5 - Pressure cookers productions
PAR(V)IS. By Margaux Wicart - La Cie Harpagon - Theater Montmartre Galabru (Theatre)
Roda Favella, dances and hopes. Martin Lalaubie. France 3 - APC
In the mind of champions. By Jean-Yves Cauchard - ARTE - Kino Presse
Eternal youth. Thierry V. de Lestrade, Sylvie Gilman - ARTE - Galaxie Presse
China in Antarctica, behind the scenes of an ambition. By Olivier Truc, Bruno Joucla - ARTE - Brother Films
Lustucru gnocchi - family favorites. By Sophie Legendre-Rozenbaum. (advertisement)
Undressed. From Elina Street - BEHIND THE DOORS - TURNERS FILMS (short film)
SIXT. Off-Screen Agency (advertising)
The psychiatrist and the murderer. By Agnès Pizzini - FRANCE 2 - MINUTE COOKERS
Fractal the album. Cézame Music Agency (album)
Interpol a police under influence. By Samuel Lajus- ARTE - MINUTE COOKERS
Epic Strings. BMG (album)
Microbiota, the fabulous powers of the stomach. By Thierry De Lestrade and Sylvie Gilman - ARTE - Yuzu
Of High Struggle. By Maurice Ferlet - APC - FRANCE 3
Sushi Shop - Off-Screen Agency (advertising)
Allons-enfants - By Sylvie Perrin - MINUTE COOKERS
Roberto the canary. By Nathalie Saugeon - 10:15! Productions (short film)
Fractal - By Jérémy Minui - MIDNIGHT CUT (series)
DEVA. By Eric Beauducelle - France Ô - EKLA Films
Tomorrow all cretins - By S.Gilman and T. de Lestrade - ARTE - YUZU PRODUCTIONS
Miss Popcorn. By Jérémy Minui (Short film)
George Gasté, the Brahmin bath. By Aude de Toqueville (theater)
48H. By Remy Burkel. FRANCE 5 - WHAT'S UP FILMS (documentary fiction)
Heroines. By Audrey Estrougo - ARTE - ELZEVIR FILMS (TV movie in 3 episodes)
Dead under x. By Agnès Pizzini - FRANCE 5 - MINUTE COOKERS (documentary)
Towards an altruistic world? By T. de Lestrade and S. Gilman - ARTE - VIA DECOUVERTES (documentary)
THE TEAM By Jérémy Minui - CANAL PLAY - GB PROD (series)
Curiosity, adventures & love. De Sunshine de Leon - USA
The Land of Green Gold. By Eric Beauducel - FRANCE 5 - EKLA
Savage. By Jean-Yves Cauchard - PLANETE THALASSA - MFP
Pictures of peace. By Remy Burkel - ARTE - ITV STUDIO FRANCE
License to kill. By Agnès Pizzini - FRANCE 2 - MINUTE COOKERS
France at war. By Martin Blanchard - FRANCE 2 - KUIV PRODUCTIONS
Europe 1, a radio in history. By Pascal Forneri - FRANCE 5 - FREE ELECTRONS
3 X Manon. By Jean-Xavier de Lestrade - ARTE - IMAGE & Cie (telefilm in 3 episodes)
Autism: meet eyes. By Martin Blanchard - ARTE - CINETEVE
Juan de la cosa. By Jean-Yves Cauachard - PLANETE THALASSA - MFP
Judge Petain. By Philippe Saada. FRANCE 5 - PLANET - MAHA PRODUCTIONS
Joe Dassin: the novel of his life. By Pascal Forneri - FRANCE 3 - AND THE FOLLOWING...PRODUCTIONS
Intimate conviction. By Rémy Burkel - ARTE - MAHA PRODUCTIONS (TV movie)
Alone at sea. By Thierry Robert - PLANETE THALASSA - MFP
Galabru the unclassifiable. By Michel Guillem - PARIS PREMIERE - APC
Corsica Story. By Agnès Pizzini - PLANET - SUBJECTIVE CAMERA
Marseille Story. By Christophe Lancelloti - PLANET - SUBJECTIVE CAMERA
Tax evasion: the heist of the century. By Xavier Harel & Remy Burkel - ARTE - MAHA PRODUCTIONS
Dalloyau. By Ilan Teboul - ZELOTES FILMS (advertisement)
Helmut. By Eric Turpin - TURPIN ET FILLES PRODUCTIONS (short film)
The carafe takes from the bottle. By Sylvie Briet - PARIS PREMIERE - APC
The missing from the A26. By Martin Blanchard - FRANCE 2 - MAHA PRODUCTIONS
The mythical routes: the former Yugoslavia. By Sybille d'orgeval - FRANCE 5 - BO WORK!
Nuclear Tests: An Unending Legacy. By Thierry Derouet - FRANCE Ô - BONOBO PRODUCTION
TCHIP. By Emannuel Amara - OFF SCREEN (advertisement)
CGY General Council of Yvelines. By Ilan Teboul - ANGIE INTERACTIVE (advertisement)
Kings & Queens of New York. By Remy Burkel - ARTE - MAHA PRODUCTIONS
The GreenPeace adventure. By Thierry Vincent de Lestrade - FRANCE 5 - WHATS'UP FILMS
New York Confidential. 5x43'. By Remy Burkel, J. Du Pasquier... - ARTE - MAHA PRODUCTIONS
Salon Immo 2010. By Charles Prunel - OFF SCREEN (advertising)
Day of doubts, album 3rd time - Grand Corps Malade - UNVERSAL - DJANIK (artist)
Chocolate freaks. By Martin Blanchard - EXPLORER DOC - FRANCE 3
You, me, the others. By Audrey Estrougo. MARS DISTRIBUTION - FIDELITY FILMS
Bull-X. By Marc Obin - ALTER PERSONA FILMS (advertisement)
Angel!. By Charles Prunel - HORS ECRAN PRODUCTIONS (advertisement)
Seine Ark. By Thierry Kubler - FORUM DES IMAGES (institutional)
Do not forget me. By Katia Grivot - UTOPIE FILMS - FRANCE 2
Blind love. By Milka Assaf - France 3 - Maha Productions
Made in China. By Jean-Yves Cauchard - FRANCE 5 - IKARI FILMS
Palace in Monaco. By Philippe Prigent - FRANCE 3 - Maha Productions
Rear-view mirror, city children's album. Grand Corps Malade - UNVERSAL - DJANIK (artist)
Midi 20, album Midi 20. Grand Corps Malade - UNIVERSAL - RAOUL BRETON EDITIONS (artist)
The orphans of God. By Philippe Prigent - FRANCE 5 - MAHA PRODUCTIONS
Bread, oil and corruption. By Remy Burkel & Denis Poncet. ARTE - MAHA PRODUCTIONS
You have a geranium growing in your back. By David Santini - ELECTRIC SHEEP
The new paradises: Oman the happy Arabia. By Rémy Burkel - ARTE - WHATS'UP FILMS
Nuclear tests: what truths. By Thierry Derouet - RFO - LCP - BONOBO PRODUCTIONS
Travaillons ensemble
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