Last released videos
a selection of music sorted by film
Téléfilm réalisé par Rémy Burkel
Strong conviction
History of a Nation
Documentary directed by Stéphane Correa - Producted by Igor Ochronowicz - Luc Martin-Gousset - Point du jour - Les films du balibari - France Television
Téléfilm réalisé par Vincent Trisolini
Murder in Amiens
3 X Manon
Série réalisée par Jean-Xavier de Lestrade
Album produced by BMG Music Production - Frederic Cortial - Jerome Keff
Remain in light
Murder in Amiens, V.Trisolini (Quad drama) La Secte, B. Joucla (What's up films) History of a Nation, S.Correa (Point du jour prod) Cataclysme..., C.Tournadre (Cocottes Minute prod) 3 X Manon, JX de Lestrade (Image et Cie) Poison in our plates, M Blanchard (Capa) Ain't scared, A.Estrougo (Fidélité films)
A few words
I was born in the world of classical and jazz, and I grew up listening to rock and electronic music. I like to combine piano, strings, electric and electronic sounds in the same piece. I also like the pureness of a solo piano or a classical guitar. Beyond musical styles and instruments, the film guides my ideas, inspires me, and allows me to create.
The psychiatrist and the murderer
Documentaire réalisé par Agnès Pizzini
Album produced by BMG Music Production - Frederic Cortial - Jerome Keff
The Secte
Do you hear in our countryside
Documentaire réalisé par Ilan Teboul
Album produced by BMG Music Production - Frederic Cortial - Jerome Keff
The Secte
Crossover - orchestral - classical - artists...
When electronic sounds mix with classic and minimalist tones
Pure film music, with melodic writing, generosity and themes
Find all my collaborations with
Grand Corps Malade
Travaillons ensemble
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